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Dokan Multi Vendor Woocommerce Plugin-Build Your Own Multi Vendor Marketplace
Free demo and Plugin Download Link: https://bit.ly/dokandemodownloadlink
Wedevs Dokan Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin Woocommerce Wordpress
What is Dokan?
Dokan is the Wordpress(Woocommerce) Plugin ,lets you to build multi vendor marketplace on your own.
Vendors can create the products from their dashboard and the products are listed on the marketplace automatically.
Being the owner of the marketplace website one can earn listing charges or transaction charges paid by the vendors.
Lets Dive into the features offered by this plugin
100+ Payment Gateways Support-Dokan supports hundreds of Payment Gateways (Not Just all the major payment gateways Like Stripe,Paypal but even supports smaller payment gateways)
70+ Wordpress Plugins Support-WooCommerce FedEx , UPS, Paypal, Stripe, PayFast, WooCommerce Booking Tera Wallet etc. Dokan comes with in-build support of popular Wordpress Plugins
30+ Modules- Dokan comes with more than 30 modules like WooCommerce Booking,Simple Auctions Table Rate Shipping,PDF Invoice,Vendor Dashboard,Vendor Review(Rating),Live Chat(Real time Chat Support),Rank Math SEO,Seller Badges to Strengthen your marketplace
70 Themes/Templates-Comes with more than 70 themes to choose from to upgrade your marketplace design.
Mobile Application- Turn your marketplace website into a smart mobile app,let your customers shop easier and smarter.Comes with Android and IOS APP.
Independent Store-Vendors get individualized customizable stores
of their own to tailor to their needs
Front End Vendor Dashboard-Comes with a beautiful looking Front End Vendor Dashboard that lets you manage products, orders and various other marketplace features from the Frontend.
Statistics-Dokan vendor dashboard includes a user-friendly report feature offers Sales by day, Top Selling, Top Earning and Statement.
Product Bulk Edit-Multiple products can be edited at the same
time with this feature, be it product status,
allocating discounts and more.
Frontend Variable Products-Admin and vendors can create variations on a product simply from the frontend
Ajax Live Search-Improves customer experience with instant advanced Product search
Multiple Commission Types-Marketplace Owner can Set global, vendor-specific, category-specific or product specific commissions.
Sell Products/Services- Sell Physical products,Digital Goods ,services or booking site,Dokan plugin covers everything.
Coupon Creation-Admins can create coupons applying vendors or products and even allow vendors to create coupons on their products.
Product advertising feature Lets the Admin can increase their marketplace earning by offering vendors to promote their products in the marketplace.
Geolocation Feature-Allows customers to search for products
and vendors by location
Email Notification-Customers receive notifications
with every order detail and status change from Dokan Multi Vendor Software.
Shipping Management-Vendors can manage their shipping rates with dynamic settings, and use popular shipping solutions for delivery.
Dokan supports various popular shipping solutions with dynamic settings like DHL
Multilingual Ready-Dokan helps with this by making your site multilingual ready(Preloaded with more than 20 Major Languages and you can also set your own Language)
Product Bulk Edit-Multiple products can be edited at the same
time with this feature, be it product status,allocating discounts and more
Withdraw System for Vendors-Vendors can easily make withdrawals upon
reaching an Admin set minimum amount.
Order Management-Vendors are able to easily manage orders and get notified on new orders, list by filters, status, add notes for tracking and more.
Regular Updation-Updates and bug fixes are carried out consistently to improve your Dokan marketplace experience
24/7 Support-Expert dedicated team is available at all times to help you in your journey
creating own multi vendor marketplace site using dokan multi vendor woocommerce wordpress plugin app